Latest News
Below you will find some of the latest news from the Dogeparty platform including, newsletters, project announcements, and more!
For Hire: Dogeparty Community Outreach Manager
Dogeparty is looking for a dynamic Community Outreach Manager to work with the Dogeparty Foundation and community to drive engagement, inform and support the community, and help grow awareness of the Dogeparty platform. We need someone who: Is saavy with social media...
Dogeparty Foundation Meeting – 05/18/2022
On Wednesday May 18th, five of the eight Dogeparty Foundation directors joined their monthly scheduled call to present updates on several initiatives and to discuss new business. Jdog started the meeting with an update on the DIP3 implementation. He shared that the...
Dogeparty Foundation Meeting – 04/12/2022
On Wednesday April 13th several directors met to share updates on current projects and discuss new initiatives. With fewer than five directors in attendance no votes were cast but the discussions were productive on a number of subjects. DIP 3 (enhancement to the...
Dogeparty Hackathon – 04/06/2022
The Dogeparty Foundation is happy to announce the upcoming 2022 Dogeparty Hackathon which will begin accepting submissions on April 27th for your best Dogeparty platform enhancement. Our wish list includes a new Web Wallet or Block Explorer user-interface but we are...
Dogeparty Foundation Meeting – 02/24/2022
On February 24th, 2022 the Dogeparty Foundation directors met virtually to discuss updates from the prior meeting and make decisions on how to move forward on certain projects. Updates including costs and timeline for completion were provided on DIP3 (Dogeparty...
Dogeparty Foundation Meeting – 01/18/2022
On January 18, 2022 the three founders along with the five elected community directors of the Dogeparty Foundation met virtually for their first call to discuss agenda items including questions and concerns from the general Dogeparty community as well as issues raised...
Recent News
For Hire: Dogeparty Community Outreach Manager
Dogeparty is looking for a dynamic Community Outreach Manager to work with the Dogeparty Foundation and community to drive engagement, inform and support the community, and help grow awareness of the Dogeparty platform. We need someone who: Is saavy with social media...
Dogeparty Foundation Meeting – 05/18/2022
On Wednesday May 18th, five of the eight Dogeparty Foundation directors joined their monthly scheduled call to present updates on several initiatives and to discuss new business. Jdog started the meeting with an update on the DIP3 implementation. He shared that the...
Dogeparty Foundation Meeting – 04/12/2022
On Wednesday April 13th several directors met to share updates on current projects and discuss new initiatives. With fewer than five directors in attendance no votes were cast but the discussions were productive on a number of subjects. DIP 3 (enhancement to the...
Dogeparty Hackathon – 04/06/2022
The Dogeparty Foundation is happy to announce the upcoming 2022 Dogeparty Hackathon which will begin accepting submissions on April 27th for your best Dogeparty platform enhancement. Our wish list includes a new Web Wallet or Block Explorer user-interface but we are...
Dogeparty Foundation Meeting – 02/24/2022
On February 24th, 2022 the Dogeparty Foundation directors met virtually to discuss updates from the prior meeting and make decisions on how to move forward on certain projects. Updates including costs and timeline for completion were provided on DIP3 (Dogeparty...
Dogeparty Foundation Meeting – 01/18/2022
On January 18, 2022 the three founders along with the five elected community directors of the Dogeparty Foundation met virtually for their first call to discuss agenda items including questions and concerns from the general Dogeparty community as well as issues raised...
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