Dogeparty Logos

Below is a list of some of the official Dogeparty logos which can be used when referencing the Dogeparty platform

Official Dogeparty Logo

This is the official Dogeparty logo which has been professionally designed and is owned by the Dogeparty Founders. We license this logo for general usage by the Dogeparty community. However, if we disagree with the usage of the logo, we reserve the right request that you stop using the logo, and if the logo continues to be used, we will use legal means to enforce our copyright and trademark rights.

If you have a logo which you would like added to this page, please send us an email and include the logo and a brief description of what the logo is and what it is meant to represent.

Once we receive your information we will begin the logo review process and will get back to you with any additional questions or concerns that we have about your logo submission.