Dogeparty Foundation Meeting – 01/18/2022

Written by Ernest

January 26, 2022

On January 18, 2022 the three founders along with the five elected community directors of the Dogeparty Foundation met virtually for their first call to discuss agenda items including questions and concerns from the general Dogeparty community as well as issues raised by the directors themselves.

It was unanimously agreed by the elected community directors (with the founders abstaining from the vote) that 10% of the foundation funds would be distributed to the founders to compensate them for their donation of time and personal funds to reboot the platform. Jeremy (J-Dog) agreed to host for 2022 at no cost to the foundation and also to waive the licensing fee. Ryan (Xcer) generously offered to confer his share on the other two founders.

A protocol enhancement that allows divisible tokens to be converted to non-divisible was discussed, noting that numerous requests had been raised by the community members. Jeremy (J-Dog) agreed to initiate a Dogeparty Improvement Proposal (DIP) which would establish a cost and timeline for completion. It was agreed that a donation address with a dispenser would be created with a unique token to be sent back to reward donations. 

Some additional points of discussion included the following:

  • An exchange listing for XDP will be researched to establish costs and process.
  • The official Twitter account for DogeParty (@DogepartyXDP) will be used to increase engagement with the greater crypto community through the efforts of Andre (Doggfather) who has volunteered to take on that role.
  • A formal code of conduct will be published for the Official Dogeparty Telegram group and a new mod will be nominated to monitor and enforce as needed.
  • A hackathon will be organized by Daniel (Wizard) and Ernest (Valiant401) to spur development on the platform.
  • A new marketing resource responsible for social media engagement and news updates is to be sourced and hired following further research and agreement by the directors.
  • A portion of the foundation funds will be used to buy XDP back from the community which will be done according to specific guidelines documented by a proposal being drafted by Ryan (Xcer) which will also be subject to review and approval by the directors.

In summary, the call was very productive in identifying new initiatives and a go-forward strategy to further enhance Dogeparty. All of the directors expressed great enthusiasm for the future of the platform with many great things to come in 2022!

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